How To Fly The New Upsilon Shuttle: X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | February 9th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Upsilon Shuttle

The Dark Side is growing and showing who is boss with the new Upsilon Shuttle for Star Wars X-Wing. Come and see a new build that will show the dark side!

Kylo Ren is a pilot to be feared on the tabletop. With a beefy 6 hull and 6 shields, this ship will dominate the table. His ability also adds an element of hesitation to your enemy. Will he risk taking a Pilot critical of your choice with the “I’ll Show You the Dark Side” Condition card? That attacker will be wary to take Kylo head on without help.

Let’s add Adaptability to add 1 to his pilot skill;hopefully allowing you to bring his primary attack of 4 dice to throw at the enemy sooner rather than later. You can boost your attack power with Fire Control System.

This frees up your actions for Focus or the Coordinate action. Coordinate will help your other squad mates, and we can add to the support ability of Kylo. Add General Hux as a crew member to maximize the effects of your Condition cards.

Use the military might of General Hux to boost your other squad mates to perform to their utmost. Assigning a focus token to up to 3 friendly ships at range 1-2 is so powerful. You also get to assign the “Fanatical Devotion” Condition that can maximize your damage output.

Operations Specialist adds even more to your support capabilities as it allows you to give out even more focus if your Fanatically Devoted ships miss their intended target. Since you will be gaining free Target Locks whenever you attack, Targeting Synchronizer will add more utility.

This allows you to “piggyback” Target Locks to other friendly ships that are out of range to spend them, or don’t already have them.

This concludes the briefing for the Kylo Ren Epsilon Shuttle build. Will you make your shuttle perform the will of the Dark Side?

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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