I’m Going In! Skywalker’s Back in X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | September 26th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

luke skywalker

Luke is blasting off into X-Wing 2.0 with his new set of Force skill to defeat the Empire. Come and see what all the excitement is about in the new X-Wing format!

I'm Going In! Skywalker's Back in X-Wing 2.0

I’m Going In! Skywalker’s Back in X-Wing 2.0

Luke Skywalker is back in X-Wing 2.0 with a whole new paint job and T-65! Luke is at initiative 5 and has a pilot ability that allows him to recover 1 Force charge after he becomes the defender of an attack.

Force charges enable to change your dice results or for even more powerful abilities, as well. For example, a pilot with Force may spend any number of his Force charges to change focus results to hits while attacking, or focus results to evades while defending.

For Luke, his Force charge of 2 allows for 2 attack dice or 2 agility dice to be modified.R2-D2

Where would Luke be without his trusty Astromech companion, R2-D2? R2 comes with 3 charges and allows you to regain shields. After you reveal your dial you may spend 1 charge and gain 1 disarm token to recover 1 shield.

Even R2 has his limits in X-Wing 2.0 as he can only allow for 3 shields to be regained and using his ability require you to give up your attack. This could be used once you have broken off the engagement and are re-positioning for another attack run. Proton Torpedoes

Luke is able to bulls-eye targets with Proton Torpedoes, so let’s let him use them for Imperial aces. Proton Torpedoes enables a 4 dice attack at range 2-3 and requires a lock on your target. The small missiles symbol next to the range of this weapon means that range bonuses are not applied when attacking with this weapon. Proton Torpedoes also comes with 2 charges that can be used to change 1 hit result to a crit result.

Instinctive Aim

Luke has a knack for hitting small, moving targets and the Force power Instinctive Aim fits him perfectly. While you perform a special attack, like his Proton Torpedoes, he may spend 1 Force charge to ignore the focus or lock requirement for attacking. This can catch your opponent off guard and can help turn the tide for the Rebels in X-Wing 2.0

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