Director Krennic has arrived on station to deal with these upstart Rebels in his new TIE Reaper. Join the Empire and use the most cutting edge technology to defeat your foes.
Vizier flies into X-Wing as a support element for your Imperial squadron. At PS 4, Vizier comes with a pilot ability that allows him to assign a focus or evade token to a friendly ship at range 1 after it performs a speed 1 maneuver. This is a great way to support more combat capable ships that need extra actions without giving them extra stress. You can double down on this ability with carefully selected crew options.
To not leave Vizier high and dry when it comes to focus, assign a Recon Specialist to your crew. When you perform a focus action, you may assign 1 additional focus token to your ship. This is a great way to make it so that Vizier and a friendly ship at range 1 both will have focus tokens at their disposal. Director Krennic also wishes to aid your forces in battle.
Director Krennic is a 5 point crew option that assigns a Condition card to a friendly ship before the “Place Forces” step. This friendly ship will be assigned the “Optimized Prototype” Condition, but must have 3 or fewer shields. Director Krennic makes sure that his forces have the best tools at their disposal.
The Optimized Prototype Condition allows the assigned ship to increase its shield value by 1 and boosts its attack output. When the Optimized Prototype performs a primary weapon attack, it may spend 1 die result to remove a shield from the defender. This is incredibly efficient as you may still spend a blank to remove a shield! Additionally, after that primary weapon attack, a friendly ship at range 1-2 equipped with Director Krennic may acquire a target lock on the defender. This a great way to double up your attack on a particular Rebel target.
Keep your Imperial squad at the forefront of weapons technology with Director Krennic and the TIE Reaper!