Imperial Terror Tactics: X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | September 13th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


These Imperial Aces will strike fear into the hearts of the Rebels in X-Wing 2.0. Suit up and fly at breakneck speed with the Inquisitor and Soontir Fel.

 Imperial Terror Tactics: X-Wing 2.0

Imperial Terror Tactics: X-Wing 2.0

The Grand Inquisitor is looking fierce in X-Wing 2.0! At a high initiative of 5, the Inquisitor can wait out enemy ships and pounce when the time is right. The Inquisitor has a recurring Force charge of 2 that can activate his pilot ability each round. While he defends at attack range 1, the Inquisitor may spend 1 Force to prevent the range 1 bonus. This is very powerful- it totally cancels an attack die and some upgrades require close range bonus. While the Inquisitor is performing an attack at a defender at range 2-3, you may spend 1 Force to apply the range 1 bonus. This allows him to attack with 3 dice at ranges 2-3! Supernatural Reflexes

Since the Inquisitor is a Force user, he may equip Supernatural Reflexes. This upgrade allows for more action chaining. Before you activate, you may spend 1 Force to perform a barrel roll or boost action. If you performed an action that you do not have on your action bar, suffer 2 damage. Since the Inquisitor comes with both boost and barrel roll, he will ignore the suffer damage step. The Inquisitor can be extra crafty by performing a Supernatural Reflexes boost, he activates, moves, and then performs a barrel roll linked action into a red focus. 3 actions in 1 activation! Soontir Fel

The perfect wingman to the Inquisitor is Soontir Fel. The top rated Imperial Ace, Soontir has an impressive initiative of 6, one of the highest in X-Wing 2.0! Soontir can lie in wait until all ships have activated, and then catch the Rebels off guard. Soontir prefers to catch his prey in his bulls-eye arc, as he gains 1 focus token if an enemy ship is within it during the start of the Engagement Phase. Soontir can activate, and his Autothrusters allow him to perform a red boost or barrel roll after performing another action. Soontir can activate, maneuver, perform an evade action, then boost into close range of en enemy, catch them in his bulls-eye arc, and grab a focus. SO many actions! Predator

Since Soontir Fel want to catch Rebel sin his bulls-eye arc, Predator works great for him. This Talent allows him to re-roll 1 attack die if the defender is inside his bulls-eye arc. This can help Soontir make every hit count as he will most certainly have plenty of actions to modify his dice. These Imperial Aces will strike fear into the hearts of Rebel fighters everywhere in X-Wing 2.0!

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