The Ion Hit Man: Star Wars X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | July 25th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

ion hitman

Fire up your Ion Cannons and your Illicit Ion tech with Dace Bonearm in Star Wars X-Wing. This guy is taking the ion game to dangerous new levels!

Dace-bonearm-1 The Ion Hit Man: Star Wars X-Wing Tactics

The Ion Hit Man: Star Wars X-Wing Tactics

Dace Bonearm is an interesting HWK-290 pilot that relies on Ion damage to actually do even more damage. When an enemy ship at range 1-2 receives at least 1 ion token, if you are not stressed, you may receive 1 stress token to cause that ship to suffer 1 damage, This adds insult to injury as your initial Ion damage gets doubled with Dace!

Ion Cannon Turret

A natural fit for Dace is an Ion Cannon Turret. With a Range of 1-2, this can pose a credible threat for any ships that get too close to Dace. Being able to Ion a target, give it 1 damage and then use his ability to give it another damage can be crippling to a light ship in X-Wing. This also sets his target up for a gang up once that ship has performed its Ion maneuver next turn.


Another Ion bad boy for the Scum faction is 4-LOM. As a crew member, he can lock down enemy tokens. While attacking, you may receive 1 ion token to choose 1 of the defender’s focus or evade tokens; that token cannot be spent during this attack. This is a great way to make sure that your enemy gets Ioned and suffers damage, but at the cost of a stress and ion token yourself!

Pulsed Ray Shield

Being this vulnerable can have its disadvantages, so having a Pulsed Ray Shield can help you out. During the end phase you may receive an ion token to recover 1 shield. You gain another ion token but you also get your shield back. Let’s deal with these Ion tokens, shall we?

Ion Dischargers

Ion Dischargers will help deal with those lingering Ion tokens. After you receive an Ion token, you may choose an enemy ship at range 1 and remove your ion token. That ship may choose to receive that ion token if they do flip this card. This can be activated by 4-LOM or your Pulsed Ray Shield, and it forces your opponent to choose if they should take the ion token and a damage in exchange for you to flip this card. Dace Bonearm is fine with whatever the result is. He’s ready for Ion fun turn after turn!

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