It’s NOT a Trap- New X-wing Releases are HERE

By Rob Baer | March 5th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

It’s NOT a trap. New X-wing Releases are HERE

Arriving our of Hyper Space this week are the new X-wing ships for FFG.

This release takes the game to a whole new intergalactic level, with bigger ships, and up-gunned and more maneuverable fighters!

Below is the complete list of the new X-wing releases.

Keep in mind that FFG’s is allocating them out for the next couple of weeks, but we have a decent supply available to us currently.

Oh and if you into competitive X-wing play, FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits) just landed one of the East Coast Regional Championships. It will be held on April 13th, and you can get all the details here.

Be sure to get your order in now, to avoid the crunch of regional championship purchases!
Recently we did a review / tactics articles on the Millennium Falcon, and Slave 1 which you can checkout for some great ideas on how to work these legendary ships into your fleet.

And if you’re not quite convinced about the game yet, checkout our introduction video below! Happy Starfighting! -MBG