Mean & Green! Dirty Tricks You Can Do With A-Wings

By Barclay Montgomery | February 21st, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Green Squadron is notorious for being the best A-Wing pilots the Rebel Alliance has to offer. Let’s give their reputation a boost with this awesome Green Squadron build for X-Wing!

Green Squadron pilots are known for being on of the few generic ships in X-Wing that feature an Elit slot. And the A-Wing Test Pilot upgrade allows you to equip 2! Let’s start building up this scrappy little fighter.

The new Expertise Elite upgrade will help you to turn all your focus results to hits for free! This is an amazing upgrade but the primary of 2 hurts the A-Wing. You need to get in close to get a range 1 bonus, but this can leave you vulnerable.

To get a boost to defense as well as offense, go for a Trick Shot! This upgrade allows you to add 1 attack die to your ship whenever you are obstructed. This will help you hide behind rocks and safely fire at enemies. If you manage to get into range 1 and hide behind a rock, that’s 4 dice from an A-Wing. And they are squirrely enough to pull of this maneuver. Since Expertise gives you a free focus, you can use your actions to boost into position.

Try your hand at flying this Green Squadron pilot. A-Wings are super fun to fly, and this one has some bite to back it up!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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