Miranda’s Run: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | August 1st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Miranda Doni is ready to engage enemy fighters and she has some extra help this time around. Get ready for a close-range turret ship for the Rebels!

Miranda Doni K-wing

The K-Wing may not look like a close-range brawler ship, but Miranda Doni will put that notion to the test. AT PS 8, Miranda can often wait out the lower skilled pilots and pounce when the time is right. Her primary weapon value can be a problem but this can be bypassed with her pilot ability.

Once per round when attacking, Miranda can either spend 1 shield to roll and additional attack die or roll 1 fewer attack die to recover 1 shield. This can boost her damage output or defenses drastically.

Synced Turret

Synced Turret will keep Miranda in the fight against the Empire. Once you have your enemy target locked, you may attack an enemy ship at distance 1-2 with 3 attack dice. If you go for Miranda’s attack boost, you can throw 4 dice at range 1-2.

If the defender happens to be in your front arc whilst you are attacking them, you may reroll a number of dice equal to your primary weapon value. Rerolling 2 dice out of your possible 4 is a great way to get that damage to stick.

Shield Upgrade

Since Miranda can spend her shields to boost her attack, it’s a good idea to have a Shield Upgrade handy. Just adding 1 shield allows you to perform Miranda’s damage boost “free” the first time. You can then recover your shields as needed by rolling less dice in later rounds, but your shield upgrade will give you that extra boost.

Captain Rex

Since Miranda can be exposed with only 1 agility to defend against attacks, Captain Rex can lend a hand. After performing an attack that does not hit, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.

This can be a great defense boon as Miranda will often time be the first to fire in a round. After spending a focus on your attack you can rest assured that if it misses Rex has your back with another focus. Miranda Doni is going to make the Empire think twice abound tangoing with the K-Wing!

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