New App Combines AR For Games of X-Wing

By Drago | October 4th, 2017 | Categories: Gaming Gear, X-Wing 2.0

Star Wars Xwing art

Never miss the best move again! Soar through the atmosphere with this new app on the iOS that brings augmented reality to X-Wing Miniatures.

The X-Wing Miniatures Game, by Fantasy Flight Games, relies on planning ahead and placing dials and templates to mark your moves. How are you to know if that move will be truly effective or if you will be stuck in that meteor field? Melissa Ludowise has the solution with her new app DialVision.

Dialvision is a new Augmented Reality app for iOS systems which allows you to see what the maneuver you are planning will do, based on your game table. The augmented reality of DialVision places a grid on the table and allows you to test different movement options and become familiar with how each ship functions with the different moves.

The app also allows for visualization of the ships firing range, which is useful when moving into a new sector and tailing that elusive enemy.

While it’s far from tournament legal, practice with this app may lead to better choices for maneuvers on your part in future games! Check it out today, this app is free on the Apple Store.

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