New X-Wing: The Quadjumper Flies Backwards??

By Barclay Montgomery | November 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Just when you thought it was safe to bring your new X-Wing list to the table, something crazy happens! Come and see the stats and abilities of the Quadjumper!


Let’s start off with the Quadjumper maneuver dial. Hold onto your butts for this one. This ship flies backwards! Its dial features 6 total 1 speed maneuvers, 3 of which are red reverse maneuvers. This ship will be the new arc dodger to beat, that’s for sure. With the way the Quadjumper dial is set up, this ship is the perfect blocker. Unkar Plutt takes full advantage of that ability. 

At the end of the activation phase, you must assign a tractor beam token to each ship that is touching Unkar Plutt. This is the perfect blocking ship that can really ruin the enemy’s plans. His PS of 3 helps him to move early in the activation phase to take advantage of his ability with bumps. A new modification can help take your tractor abilities one step further. 


The Spacetug Tractor Array is a modification that allows you to use your action to assign a tractor beam token to a ship inside your firing arc at range 1. An interesting fact is that this ability also may target friendly ships. If a friendly ship is in harms way, you could potentially save him by tractor beaming him out of a firing arc, or into a firing arc to get a better shot. swx61-unkar-plutt-crew

Unkarr Plutt also comes as a crew member that allows you to perform an action even after you bump a ship, all at the cost of 1 damage to your ship.


Constable Zuvio is a crazy pilot for a crazy ship. His ability is all about bombing your targets. His ability allows you to drop a bomb from your front guides, even a bomb that is an action, after performing a reverse maneuver. This is like the scum version of Deathrain, and is surely a super fun ship to fly. Interestingly, this ship features only 1 bomb slot and no torpedoes, so no extra munitions. So how can I get more bombs for the Quadjumper? Easy. Equip the latest Illicit upgrade: Scavenger Crane.


After a ship is destroyed at range 1-2 of a ship equipped with Scavenger Crane, it may choose a bomb, modification, even a cannon and “refresh” it by flipping it face up. You could grab more bombs, or even refresh your Stealth Device with this upgrade! But there is a catch. Like all Scum tech, this one is faulty and requires a dice roll after each use to see if it breaks. But for 2 points, this is not a bad upgrade, and can go on any Scum ship that features an Illicit upgrade,

That’s it for the latest, craziest ship to hit the X-Wing scene. Will you be flying this ship backwards all over the place? I know I will!

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.