New X-Wing Tie Striker Upgrades & Tactics

By James Rodriguez | December 8th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Having the ability to fly ships that perform great at defence and offense, without having to buy different models. The Tie Striker’s a Force to be feared!

The new Tie Striker preview is here from Fantasy Flight Games. Checkout my thoughts on the Empire’s newest ride:


Just like the Imperial to come out guns blazing! Get in, do damage, die…. 0 shields, 4 hull, and 2 damage before this Sabacc loses his ability completely…striker-lightweight-frame

Now! Combine that with Lightweight Frame, get the extra defense dice for your little 2 agility, and now you have a ship with survivability and firepower!


With only 4 health on the Striker, countdown makes it count! No matter how much damage is rolled against her, if she doesn’t cancel it with her 2 agility, she’s only taking one no matter what.



striker-adaptive-aileronsMaybe not the fastest ship in the squad when you’re looking at the dial, but when you take a look at Adaptive Ailerons, you’re seeing a Baby Phantom. That card, single handedly, created the same form of unpredictability that the Phantom carries.


  • “Howlrunner” (18)
  • Academy Pilot (12)
  • “Duchess” with Adaptability and Adaptive Ailerons (23)
  • “Pure Sabacc” with Swarm Leader and Lightweight Frame (27)
  • “Countdown” (20)

Total Squad Points: 100

By mixing a defender as tough as “Countdown” with some lethal attackers and a strong late-game arc-dodger, this squad plays against your opponent’s ability to prioritize his or her shots.

  • Will he attack “Howlrunner,” who offers free rerolls to all her squadmates attacking from within Range “1” of her?
  • Will he go after “Pure Sabacc,” to minimize the potential for six– or seven–die attacks? Even if you hold him back at Range “3” while your Academy Pilot is blocking and denying actions?
  • Or will he try to pin down “Duchess” before you wear his squad down to a single ship, and “Duchess” is able to get the better of the one-against-one dogfight by slipping out of every shot he tries to line up?

A squad like this ensures that there’s no single “right” answer, and without a clear priority target, your opponent may not begin the engagement with a strategy as focused as your own.

I myself would take Lone Wolf on Duchess. Arc Dodge the whole time, with the ability to negate the mandatory maneuver from Adaptive Ailerons. Then have the ability to reroll a blank on defense and offense, if you can keep your distance from friendly ships that is.

Thanks for reading, I would love to hear your opinions on the new Tie Striker. Do you agree? Disagree? Leave it in the comments below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth