Jek Porkins, hero of the battle of Yavin, is set to return to battle with a newly modified T-65 X-Wing. This time around he will be victorious!
Jek Porkins is ready to perform all the red maneuvers in X-Wing since this guy simply doesn’t not care about stress. As a pilot ability, Jek may roll 1 attack die whenever he receives a stress token. On a hit result, deal 1 facedown damage card to him. This guy is a gambler with stress as he can always remove a stress token, but he may damage himself in the process. Since he can get rid of stress readily, make this guy a Daredevil.
This elite upgrade adds an action ability that allows you to perform a red 1 turn. Then if you do not have a boost icon, roll 2 attack dice and take damage from hits or crits. This can be a big problem for Jek, but it gives him added maneuverability, at a cost.
A newly debuted upgrade card, Servomotor S-Foils fixes Jek’s problems, no sweat! When the S-Foils are closed, Jek reduces his primary attack value by 1 and gains boost. This can fix our little Daredevil problem, and as an added bonus, turns his 2 banks into green maneuvers. Use Daredevil to get into position! One more key ingredient will make sure that Jek stays on target.
A Flight Assist Astromech will ensure that your enemies stay in Jek’s firing arcs. After you execute a maneuver, if you did not overlap a ship or obstacle and there are no enemy ships in your firing arc at range 1-3, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll. Even if your enemies manage to outmaneuver Jek, he still has a little help to make sure that his sights are set on the Empire!