Obstacle Course: X-Wing 2.0 Hounds Tooth Build

By Barclay Montgomery | May 28th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

hounds tooth

Latts Razzi is taking advantage of her tractor beam tech to make the battlefield a haza28rdous obstacle course. Bring along some obstacles of your own!

Latts Razzi is bringing her tractor beam expertise to the battles of X-Wing 2.0. Piloting a YV-666 at initiative 3, Latts can choose a ship at range 1 during the Engagement Phase and may spend 1 lock on that ship to assign 1 tractor beam token to it.

Latts Razzi

Tractor beam tokens allow you to move an enemy ship either with a speed 1 boost or barrel roll; perfect for what Latts Razzi has in store for them.

Tobias Beckett

Tobias Beckett will be joining Latts on her YV-666 as a crew member. Tobias has an ability that kicks on during the Setup phase: after placing forces, you may choose 1 obstacle in the play area and you may place it anywhere beyond range 2 of any board edge or ship and beyond range 1 of other obstacles. What this does is allow you to control the obstacle field that your opponent will have to navigate around, all the while dealing with Latts’ tractor beam!

Boba Fett

Boba Fett will also be joining Latts in her ship, and his surprise attack tactics will be used well. Latts will be able to start her deployment in reserves and can deploy at the end of Setup. Latts can place herself at range 0 of an obstacle and beyond range 3 of any enemy ship. This gives you a surprise deployment that can catch your opponent off guard with some early tractor beam trouble.

Latts is bringing some Illicit tech in the form of a Rigged Cargo Chute. This upgrade allows for an action ability to drop 1 loose cargo obstacle using the 1 template. This adds another obstacle that your opponent has to dodge, all the while dealing with Latts throwing her enemies into asteroids or debris with her tractor beam!

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