Precise Hunting: X-Wing 2.0 Droid Build

By Barclay Montgomery | May 9th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Captain Sear

The droids are massing together to perform a calculated strike with the assistance of Captain Sear. Working together is the strength of the Separatists!

Captain Sear is leading this little squad of murder droids in X-Wing 2.0. Having a low initiative of 2, Captain Sear can contribute to the fighting, but his strength lies in his abilities to boost his nearby allies.

Cpt. Sear

While a friendly ship at range 0-3 performs a primary attack, if the defender is in its bullseye arc, that friendly ship may spend 1 calculate token to cancel 1 evade result. This pilot ability turns your fellow droid pilots into Crack Shots if they stay near the Captain! TV-94

Captain Sear is bringing along a Tactical Relay in the form of TV-94. This upgrade works with the same range restrictions as Captain Sear’s ability, so it has good synergy. While a friendly ship at range 0-3 performs a primary attack on a target in its bullseye arc with 2 or fewer dice, it may spend 1 calculate token to add 1 hit result. TV-94 gives your droid pilots options for dealing with their enemies! Precise Hunter

A squadron full of Precise Hunter droids will be a fearsome foe to deal with. These small ships have a 2 dice primary attack, so TV-94 can help them get more damage through with his Relay ability. Networked Calculations will ensure that your Precise Hunters have plenty of calculating tokens to either cancel evades or add hits depending on your calculated decisions.

Energy-Shell Chargers

If all else fails, use Energy-Shell Charges to take out key targets. As a missile upgrade, and requiring a calculate token to fire, these munitions can delivery a 3 dice attack at range 2-3 and can be modified with a calculate token to change 1 focus into a critical. With all of these options, these droids will be able to make strategic calculations depending on your battles in X-Wing 2.0!

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