Ramming Speed: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | June 19th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Captain Oicunn is revving up his Decimator for some close ranged action! Stay out of his way, or at least try to, if you can!

Our favorite Decimator pilot is back for another round of X-wing destruction derby! Captain Oicunn is one ship you want to stay away from as he forces enemy ships that he overlaps to suffer 1 damage. This can add up quickly once he starts his bump-o-rama and gets into the thick of the fighting.

The Dauntless title makes it so that Oicunn can perform a free action after he executes a maneuver that overlaps another ship. You must receive 1 stress token to do so, but that won’t stop his destructive spree. You can go with an Engine Upgrade to get another overlap by boosting, or you could make use of a Saboteur crew member. 

The Saboteur adds an action ability that can come in quite handy with Oicunn’s pilot ability. You may choose an enemy ship at range 1 and roll 1 attack die. On a hit or crit, choose a random facedown damage card assigned to that ship and flip it faceup.

If you managed to break through shields and add a damage card to your target, go ahead and use your Dauntless action to flip that damage faceup!

If you planned his placement just right, you can keep your enemies locked in place with an Ion Projector. After an enemy ship executes a maneuver that causes it to overlap Oicunn, roll an attack die.

On a hit or crit the enemy ship receives an ion token. This can keep them locked in place and you can continue to ram your target with speed 1 maneuvers that will cause Oicunn to overlap again and again. No need to break through defense dice when all you have to do is ram your enemies into dust!

More Star Wars Tactics

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.