Reap a Heavy Toll: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | May 29th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

star wars fighter

The TIE Reaper has just emerged to enact its might against the Rebel forces. Give them something to fear again from the Empire.

major vermeil tie reaper

Major Vermeil is at the helm of the new TIE Reaper, and he is ready to take advantage of the Rebels and their lowered defenses. Vermeil clocks in at PS 6 and has a pilot ability that takes advantage of actionless targets. When attacking, if the defender does not have a focus or evade token, you may change one of your blank or focus results to a hit. This is a great way to kick those Rebels while they are down. A way to take advantage of this is with an elite upgrade option. decoy

Decoy is an elite upgrade that allows you to essentially swap PS levels with another friendly ship at range 1-2. This can be advantageous for Major Vermeil. He can switch with a ship that has a lower PS during the combat phase, and take advantage of an enemy ship that spent its tokens earlier in the combat phase. This can catch the Rebels off guard! emperor palpatine

To further make the Rebels pay for their meddling, the Emperor will be riding in his new TIE Reaper. With 2 crew slots, Palpatine can comfortably fit with Major Vermeil and will give his dice more options with the Dark Side of the Force. Utilize his dark powers to influence your agility dice when you have an evade token to dodge attacks from the Rebels or aid in your attack.

Advanced ailerons

The TIE Reaper can be unexpectedly maneuverable with Advanced Ailerons. This title card can make your usually red 3 bank maneuvers white and allows you to perform a 1 bank or straight maneuver before you execute a maneuver. This can catch the Rebels off balance as you outmaneuver them with the Emperor at the helm of the TIE Reaper!

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