Scummy Dealings! New C-ROC Epic Ship Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | February 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The Scum Epic ship, the C-ROC, will be released soon! Let’s take a look at some of the tricky tactics that the Scum faction can use with their first Epic ship!

The C-ROC cruiser comes with lots of options for cargo, crew, and upgrades. There are also 3 title upgrades that will help you based on your plan for the C-ROC. Will you be more defensive oriented, energy efficient, or crew heavy?

The Broken Horn title adds a defensive boost to your 0 agility ship. Reinforce actions allow you to add a free evade result whenever you are attacked, and Broken Horn adds 1 additional evade result. You have to discard your reinforce token afterwards, but this could help you avoid lots of damage beforehand.

The interestingly named Insatiable Worrt gives you 3 free energy just for performing a recover action. This could be used to add energy to your upgrades, weapons, or add more shields to your ship. Not bad for energy efficiency!

The Merchant One title gives you an additional crew and team slot at the cost of losing a cargo slot. This is a great title to start running the combos that 2 crew cards give you that makes this Scum ship shine!

Azmorigan is a 2 point crew upgrade that allows you to spend 1 energy to switch out any crew or team you already have on your ship for another with the same or fewer squad points. This opens up a whole world of options as it let’s you potentially use your whole collection of Scum crew upgrades as the situation arises. For example, if you have the Gonk crew card at the start of a match, you could bank some shield tokens onto him. After you spend all of those shield tokens, you could switch out Gonk for a WED-15 Repair Droid to discard facedown damage cards! The possibilities are endless.

On the flip side, the Cikatro Vizago crew upgrade allows you to swap out Cargo and Illicit upgrades much like Azmorigan does with crew upgrades. If you have Frequency Jammer on your C-ROC to boost your jamming actions, you could use a swarm of Binayre Pirates with Black Market Slicer tools to add serious damage to stressed enemy ships. Once those Binarye Pirates are destroyed, you can switch up your tactics, discard Frequency Jammer, and grab some Tibanna Gas Supplies to boost your energy. Again, the possibilities are endless.

The strength of the Scum faction lies in their ability to adapt and use tactics that are not available to the Rebels or the Empire. Working in a gray area of sorts can merit the best benefits for your team. This is what makes Scum and Villainy so appealing.

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