Scyk Aces, Bro! More New Scum Ship X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 28th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

M3A Scyk fighter

Fire all ze missiles! The final Scum Scyk Ace has arrived! Check out the latest ordnance expert that the Scum can throw at the Empire and Rebellion.

Quinn Jast is an ordnance master. He comes with a built in Extra Munitions. At the start of the Combat Phase, you may receive a weapons disabled token to flip on of your torpedo or missile cards face up. Since spending the munition counts as flipping it facedown, this is a great ability to use your munitions again and again. The only stipulation is that you need to be safe from harm while you refit your munitions with your weapons disabled token.

Deadeye is  the perfect Elite upgrade for Quin Jast. PS 6 can be a hard place to get a Target Lock off effectively and have your enemy still in range to use your munitions. Deadeye helps by making your focus tokens act like Target Locks.

Can’t have munitions without the Heavy Scyk Interceptor title and might as well add a 0 point Guidance Chips to make sure those munitions hit hard each time they are fired. 

Proton Torpedoes pack a wallop, and they have great synergy with guidance chips. Change any die face to a hit with the Chips, and change a focus result to a crit. A great way to get some free damage.

That wraps it up for the Scyk Interceptor Aces.Have you enjoyed seeing all the new tricks and traps that the Scum faction has to offer? Time will tell what other combos we can see in the future!

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