Scyk Aces, Bro! More Scum X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Genesis Red

Get ready for more Scum Aces coming in hot! Come and see what amazing new tricks and abilities await for Scum and Villainy.

Genesis Red was a rival crime lord during the battle of Tansarii Point. As such, he demand to have only the best for his Scyk Interceptor. After he acquires a Target Lock, assign focus and evade tokens to him until you have the same number of each token of the locked ship. Imagine if you locked a fully tokened up Soontir Fel! That could be a Target Lock, 2 focus tokens, and an evade token if Soontir went on the defensive. Insane amount of tokens!

Can you imagine the insanity that could go down once you equip Push the Limit to Red Genesis? Perform an action that you need at the time, then PTL for a Target Lock, and get any matching tokens from your target. You could have insane numbers of tokens!

An alternate Elite upgrade for Genesis could be Fearlessness. Get in close, grab your Target Lock, steal some tokens, and blast away buy adding a hit result to your attack roll! After you joust, blast off into a better position and go in for another joust!

That’s another Scyk Ace down. Stay tuned for more info on the other Scum Aces coming out with the C-ROC cruiser.

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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