Scyk Aces, Bro! Even More X-Wing Scum Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 23rd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

xwing episode 7

Big things come in small packages, and the Scyk Interceptor is no exception! Come and take a look at what the Scum Aces can do with their little fighters!

Sunny Bounder may not look like much with PS 1, but looks can be deceiving. Sunny’s pilot ability is very interesting. Once per round, after you roll or reroll dice, if you have the same result on each of your dice you may add 1 matching result. Wait, rewind. What? SO if you roll 3 hits when you attack at range 1, you can add another hit! That’s crazy! Sunny Bounder can also astound you by rolling 3 evade results to just add another to make it 4. On the same track now? A great way to capitalize on this ability is with a Heavy Laser Cannon.

First you need to equip the Heavy Scyk Interceptor title.This will give you the ability to add the HLC and give you a bonus hull point. Nice. The Heavy Laser Cannon ensures that you will roll only hits, since you must change your crits into hits. If you get lucky and roll 2 hits and 2 crits, change those crits to hits, and then add another for Sunny Bounder’s ability. 5 dice at range 2-3?! Crazy good!

Although she may seem small potatoes, don’t underestimate the power of the pilot ability. Until next time with the final Scum Scyk Ace.

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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