Shadow Castin’ X-Wing Wave Nine Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | October 18th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

shadow-caster xwing

The latest Scum ship has arrived! This crazy ship can really throw some stricky traps in your opponent’s way and mess with his plans. Let’s look at a build that could really mess with the Empire!

The purported Asajj Ventress build has been hitting the meta game hard lately. Let’s dive in and take a look at what she can do!


Asajj is all about handing out stress to enemy ships, but in order to do so she must be within Range 1-2 and be in her mobile firing arc. Engine Upgrade will help to boost her within range. But that’s your whole action spent just getting into position. We need a little more to help her attacks connect. Why not strap Push the Limit on this ship? But then you have to deal with those pesky stress tokens of your own. Have no fear. That’s where K4 Security Droid comes in handy.

This Scum only crew member will reward you for pulling green maneuvers with a free target lock. Sweet! If you are already in a good position and have handed your enemy a stress token, might as well make them pay for it. Equip Black Market Slicer Tools to help them out.


This card works perfectly with Asajj, as it works in the same range, works with stress, and is an action. Push the Limit will help you to use this upgrade and perform any other action that you wish. BM Slicer Tools lets you choose an enemy stressed ship at range 1-2, roll a die, and on a hit or crit you remove that stress token and deal one facedown damage card. This could help in taking down those pesky Imperial Aces or those ever regenerating Rebel Heroes. All together this build looks like its shaping up:

Push_The_Limit X-wing miniatures

Asajj Ventress – Push the Limit + K4 Security Droid + Engine Upgrade + Black Market Slicer Tools = 48 points

A sizable investment, but she will do some work! Have you tried this ship yet? Test out this build and see if it works for you!