Star Wars X-Wing – Cloaking & Decloaking

By Super Kaiju | April 29th, 2014 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Sweet, Fantasy Flight has revealed exactly how Cloaking would work in X-Wing.

Yes, I realize this has been out for a bit so I’m a little late to the game but I figured I’d give it some time, for a few reasons. 1, I wanted to see if it was a hoax or not. Given how close it was to April’s fool day I didn’t want to get excited. 
Yea, it was shown the day prior, but you can never be to sure around the day of fools. Second, I might have been slightly annoyed. See, I kind of wrote up this whole thing about how cloaking could work. Like, actually wrote, with a pen and paper, LIKE A CAVEMAN! 
Only to see a little later on Reddit this pop up. Needless to say, GRRR! I went the whole nine yards too, got info on cloaking from Attack Wing and compared it to see how it would work in X-wing. Talked to Trekkies and everything! 
Was blindfolded and taken to the hidden captains bridge. it was truly scary. So you could understand my slight aggravation.

But that’s enough of my excuses for me just being really lazy, lets take a look at how cloaking will work and if it will be the most awesome thing ever in the things of ever!

Well, cloaking is a pretty simple procedure. Unlike Attack Wings many placing and booting up and losing shields, this one just boom, place the token near the base and you’re cloaked. While cloaked you gain 2 extra agility, again, similar to the Attack Wing version, which gains 4 extra (take into consideration though most ships agility are 1 or 2 and they have a lot more hull points to burn through). 

And as long as you have the token you cannot attack. Which is understandable, not exactly stealthed if you’re shooting stuff. Also the token doesn’t go away at the end step. So yea, its permanent till removed. And how do you remove it?

One awesome segway later we see its just like an action to remove it. Works similarly to the System upgrade Advanced Sensors. Before showing your dial you can remove it, as long as you’re not gonna hit anything. 

Kind of like barrel rolling and boost. Now the card does say if your movement template or ship overlaps something you can’t do that, and while a bit confusing, I’m sure it just means if you can’t perform the boost/barrel roll you can’t decloak. But hey, you can barrel roll or boost with the 2 template. Dat be cray yo! Then you can perform the rest of your turn as normal.

All in all this looks like it’ll be a very powerful ability to deal with. Take a phantom, cloak up and perhaps throw a stealth device on it. Boom, 5 agility. Good luck getting through that. Then use it to get in nice and cloak and uncloak and blast the ever loving snot out of them with the 4 attacks this baby has! Hell, if done right you’ll be in range 1 no problem, and bam, 5 attacks. From a small ship. Without any upgrades. 

Think of adding expose for some shenanigans. If you could put the HWK with it then wow. 7 attacks, good thing the HWK is a rebel ship, and over all useless. Heh.

Checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the Rebel Transport, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles as well. -Super Kaiju