Star Wars X-Wing: GR-75 Rebel Transport Preview!

By Super Kaiju | February 3rd, 2014 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0
Somehow during my looking through the last few teasers and leaks for the upcoming ships, a part of me never noticed there wasn’t to much shared about the large ships outside of leaks.

Imagine my surprise that Fantasy Flight throws out a look at the new GR-75… and its time to hop on the hype train again!

So far we just have we just have a feel for what the ship can do. First thing we notice from the base ship is it doesn’t have attacks (OH NOES!) but has Energy. Which we can use to do different things. Which we’ll look at in a few after the ship.

8 Hull and 4 shields, not exactly selling me on the whole ‘giant ship’ thing. I was expecting it to have a bit more, I mean the Falcon has 8 hull and 5 shields! And its not supposed to be as big.

So what gives? Guess we’ll see as we work our way through some of the stuff. But seems very easy to focus down in a round or two if you do it right, as it doesn’t have any agility either. But it’s not about the ships stats right? IT’S ABOUT DEM ABILITIES!

So, what abilities do we see here? Well, they’re all new stuff now, so thats cool.

First we have a recover action that burns all the energy to throw up the shields again at the rate of 1 for 1. Not bad.

Reinforce, which you choose the back or the front to add an evade result to your defense against an attack. That ain’t to bad, always cutting a result by 1.

Jamming, to stress someone at range 1 or 2. Now that, that’s a dirty move and I like it!

And Coordinate, letting you give another ship a free action. Also a good one.

It also states that only the recover action uses the energy. Curious thing I’m wondering now is if this ship will have multiple actions. I mean a lot of these abilities are good, and then some of the upgrades (which we’ll get to) use actions as well. So, are we able to do multiple things or are we gonna have to pick and choose from gold and gold and gold and you get the point.

Speaking of upgrades and amazing segways. First we have the Comms Booster. Oh man this thing looks good. At first.

Thinking about it sadly we haven’t gotten a full explanation on when energy is used.

One would assume when the ship is active like with any other abilities, thus this thing would almost be a bit useless on lower level ships. Also wording here is a bit tricky as it does say ‘remove all stress tokens from the ship’.

Doesn’t state if any, thus can you give a free focus token to someone even if they aren’t stress, or will you have to stress your little heart out to get a free focus…when you could have just done something easier and gotten it. Some situations I can see this doing well, give or take how energy is used.

Time will tell on that one.

Next shown is the Slicer Tool. At first glance this thing looks amazing. But again timing is a female dog and getting to pull this off doesn’t seem likely unless you can go after a bunch of enemies.

That’s also assuming they did something stressful. You can couple this with the Jamming action, assuming if the wording Fantasy Flight used is that you can stress someone up to 2 in one go, or if you can just give them stresses unless they already have 2.

Having a few of these guys on the table doing that might be a fun little idea, but I’m not feeling it just yet. Again, wait and see time.

Final upgrade shown this time around is the Shield Projector. A taunt for lack of better terms using 3 energy to force an enemy to attack the GR-75 over another ship. Interesting. Not much to really say there, it’s a reaciton thing and burns your energy down quick. 

But something like this can turn the tides well, and be a right annoyance when coupled with Biggs. 
I can see it already, just a constant ‘I know I got all these other ships but you can only attack these two! Ok?’

Finally we have the movement dial and template for this thing. And all I can there is a resounding ‘Wha?’ I’m not fully sure what its saying there. So, once that rule book is out it’ll hopefully be more clear. I wish I could say more on this thing but it just has me in a confused state.

With all these new things shown we can see the expansion also comes with some more goodies. New X-Wing with different paint, joy!

Will it have new pilots too? Picture says yes. JOY! Also new tokens, new templates and a brand new damage deck all for itself. So now we sit here again, waiting.

Hoping for the next table scrap Fantasy Flight will throw us till the ship’s eventual release. Hope it’ll hold us over, right? Heh.

So yea, I’m excited for the new big shps! Hope you enjoyed this article and have yourself a great day!

Welcome to X-Wing, enjoy your stay.  Checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the new Wave 3 Ships, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles.