Star Wars X-Wing: HWK-290 and Lambda Review

By Super Kaiju | November 21st, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

This time around I’ll be talking about the other two ships, the HWK-290 and the Lambda together.

Are they worth the time and effort or are they best left in the scrap yard? Again, you’ll want to pick them up purely for the upgrades, but should you get multiple ships? Lets find out.

Well, lets answer that right now with a resounding ‘no’. Sadly, these ships just come off as meh. Both being support ships they don’t do well in a fight and/or slow as all get out.

The HWK is pretty poopy in the whole combat thing, so taking it will hinder your offensive abilities. You can take some upgrades to make it better, but then its more points to spend. The Lambda on the other hand is slightly decent at combat but super super slow.

The HWK’s abilities are useful, but again they’re purely a support role and limited at times. I’ve had good results and had fun with Roark doing a ‘alpha’ strike list using Wedge with swarm tactics and two other x-wings to shoot before anyone can act.

And his ability negated the damaged cockpit critical. But outside that I can’t find much use for him and the other guys while decent abilities, are kind of hit or miss and mainly for setting up attacks over anything else. So useful, but still meh to me.

The Lambda is well, its something. I’m not a fan of the big ships honestly. I like the ships themselves, but they’re big and bulky and get in the way. and they’re super expensive. The Lambda’s abilities just don’t seem to work well for the Imperials. Yes, they’re decent, taking target locks, giving target locks or taking stress tokens. That’s good, but each of those abilities I feel you have to build around with your other ships. Taking the Lambda as your ‘flag’ ship doesn’t seem worth it to me.

Plus with its expense it takes away from the Imperial’s strongest ability, horde swarms. All in all it just is kind of eh. Perhaps if truly built around you can get some good out of it, but again, just seems like to much work for a ship who isn’t as great as you’d like it to be.

That being said, again I’d say I wouldn’t bother with getting to many of these ships. Granted, everyone should pick up one of each purely for the upgrades because yea, those are good and useful. But outside that the ships are a little hit or miss. I feel building around them isn’t as worth it as it could be.

Hope this helped, thanks for reading and have a great day! -Super Kaiju

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