Star Wars X-Wing: Latest FAQ & NERFS For 2016

By Barclay Montgomery | November 1st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

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The latest new FAQ for Star Wars X-Wing has recently been released! New changes to the rules will hopefully alter the metagame for the better! Check it out!

The biggest changes have been happening concerning the Scum faction as of late. The small and fragile “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor gets a healthy boost that will hopefully help it see more game time in the future. Also, the dreaded Jumpmaster ordnance alpha strike is no more!

The Deadeye elite upgrade has been restricted to small ship only status! T

o read all the juicy details on the latest rules updates, make sure you check it all out here.

xwing episode 7

“Study up young Padawans and you might become skilled enough to challenge the champions of X-Wing!”