Star Wars X-Wing- More B-Wing Tie Bomber Previews

By Super Kaiju | August 19th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Oh snap! Fantasy Flight is previewing more stuff! And here i thought it would have died down till release, showed me!

Some more B-wing goodness and now some stuff on the Tie Bomber, as well as one little thing on the Lamba. Lets dig into this preview and see what we can make of it. So, like last time, I’m gonna be giving my first impressions as I’m actually reading this. Well, I just finished but still!

First things first, lets go in order of new stuff seen! We have another named B-Wing Pilot! Ibtisam, level 6 pilot for 28 points. And they’re stressed they may reroll one die when attacking or defending. Interesting. Not truly sure if I want to make that sacrifice of token usage to get a reroll that may or may not mean the difference. Granted, it could mean all the difference too, but focus is just so good! I can see mixing her (I checked a wiki this time!) with Gravin or Dutch to maximize that ability. But for 28 points, not really sure.

Another upgrade for the B-wing set is the Autoblaster. All i can say is, whaaa? That is a pretty nasty gun! Your enemy can’t cancel regular hits from this gun, only crits?

Well, unless you get the worst luck and roll 3 crits, which, is that truly crap luck in the end? And Fantasy Flight even mentioned pair this with Ten Numb to make it just mean. Range one though makes me wonder if its worth it. All hits are gonna hit, or take the extra die and shoot normally.

Dilemmas. But I do find it funny only way to stop hits from this are with Evade tokens. Fantasy Flight really wants those to be used now eh?

But lets get into the meat of this, or well, the newer stuff! Some Tie Bomber action!

New Major Rhymer, which is a awesome MC name, a pilot 7 for 26 points is a very interesting guy. Allowing you to change the range of your secondaries by 1, up or down.

That’s nice. Oh, to close for my missiles? NAH! To far for my missiles? NAH! He/she (they weren’t in the wiki) is gonna be pretty nasty if not dealt with first.

Also coming around is a sorta ‘Howlrunner’ clone. Captain Jonus, a level 6 for 22 points lets you reroll up to two dice when attacking with secondary weapons if you’re within range 1. Not to shabby. Only downfall for this guy though, unless you’re running a bunch of bombers or a Firespray, I don’t see him getting a lot of usage. But for the first string of Bomber squadrons, oh yea, we’ll be seeing this guy.

Last new upgrade they show is the pilot skill Adrenaline Rush. For just 1 point once per game you can treat any red maneuver as a white one. While I don’t think I’ll be using it to much, that is pretty good. Its one of those hard to say things really.

Its powerful, letting you pull K-turns (is that the correct term) without worrying of the stress, which in turn lets you then blast the ever loving poo out of your enemy without fear of retaliation, maybe. But it is situational, more then likely being saved till the ‘right’ moment. Which, may never come.

Granted, i can see this being used for a hasty escape with some ships, pulling a nasty maneuver that’ll stress then, shrugging it off instantly then boosting or barrel rolling out of fire. Time shall tell with this card.

Wrapping it up for the Bomber are just a few of the non name pilots and their points. And in true Imperial fashion, they cheap.

And the last little preview we have here, a ship title for the Lamba. And lets just say we have a doozy here. 3 points and your Lamba can lock onto any target on the table. Not at certain ranges, no, THE WHOLE TABLE! Mind, blown!

Pair this with that Colonel Jendon guy and wham bam thank you ma’am you can start handing out free lock ons to ships before the enemy gets to you!

Creepy up slowly with all your ships, just gathering lock ons while you enemy tries to rocket towards you to prevent some fire. Then, BAM! Unleash so much hell they’ll be crying like wee babes! Or, something like that. Needless to say, is good.

With that I’m looking real forward to this next set. Just again, really hope Fantasy Flight keeps these in stock. Please guys?

Hope this helped you and thanks for reading.  -Super Kaiju

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About the Author: Super Kaiju