Star Wars X-Wing: Need an Easy & Free Builder?

By Super Kaiju | January 24th, 2014 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Here is an article I wanted to write for a bit but wasn’t sure if i could. Let’s take a quick look and promote a site some might know, Void state. You can find the site right here.

For those who don’t know, Void state is a free to use X-Wing squad builder. And lets just say its super easy to use. Almost idiot proof. Granted, if you don’t know the game then it might come off a little confusing at times, but at the end of the day, if you’re reading these articles, you have some knowledge. Right?

First and foremost thing you’ll see upon entering the site is it asking you your faction. From there its easy peasy lemon squeezy. To the left are all the ship types, and their pilots under that.

Once you picked a ship it’ll pop up on the right. There you can get all the upgrades and everything by clicking on each tab. All in all its extremely easy to use and helpful with its ability to print out said squadron too. So if you ever go out to a tournament or anything, take a few minutes to build up a list and take it with you for a easy to read and understand list. So next time you need some to put a list together and get something easy to read, give Void State a visit. You won’t regret it.

Hope this helped, thanks for reading and have a great day! -Super Kaiju

Welcome to X-Wing, enjoy your stay.  Checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the new Wave 3 Ships, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles.