Star Wars X-Wing: New Corvette pricing?

By Super Kaiju | December 1st, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Lookie lookie on possible rumors hitting the internets. with this here picture we can see a possible price for the new upcoming ship.

And oh lord in heaven, 90 bucks? Granted, something tells me this is all a nice little hoax.

This was found on Amazon, but with no real info outside that, theres not much to go on. Definately nothing on Fantasy Flight saying anything, but still, fun to spread rumors right? Good things always happen from those. But lets take it for what it maybe.

What if it is really 90 bucks? Why in the ever loving hell would it be that expensive? Well, two ideas come to mind.

One, its extremely powerful and everybody will want a piece!

Like, 20 shots and hundreds of shields and hulls and its gonna blast everything to bits! Or I’m just weird and thats just dumb. Or perhaps they’re truly going to do it to scale, and its just a whole lot of plastic thats gonna require a lot of money to make and paint. Maybe that. Or again, its all just a odd little hoax.

Regardless, lets keep our eyes out on whats going on in the world of X-wing

Hope this helped, thanks for reading and have a great day! -Super Kaiju

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