Star Wars X-Wing: New Interceptors Closer Look

By Super Kaiju | September 23rd, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

And once again I find myself at a lost of any ideas to write about without resorting to laziness and Fantasy Flight once again provides! But this time, all i can say is, wha? Just announced, new Imperial Aces!

For 30 bucks, you can get a pack of 2 Tie Interceptors with new paint jobs and new pilot cards and all that jazz. Again, this has me going WHA? I didn’t think the Interceptor needed more stuff. I mean, wasn’t it already really good? Hell, I think its once of the best ships out there currently.

Super hard to hit and does massive damage? With the exception of shields, what more could you want? Well, with this set you get a whole lot more! New Pilots new Modifications and new skills! Oh lordy lord!

First things first I’ll say is I’m happy to see these new ships. One, new colors means a bit more fun with the imaginary world you make in your mind. That sounded better in my head…Regardless! It spices the table up. Second, beyond the new paint job, it means that other ships could receive updates as well, and perhaps even changes to older cards to fix problems! That makes me excited to see what the future holds for other ships. Granted, not sure why the Interceptor was first, with the exception that I’m sure there are some fan boys who cry out for the lack of other pilots!

With that, lets take a look at these new Pilots they’ve announced. Lets start off with Carnor Jax, pilot 8, whose ability is pretty sweet in my opinion. At range one your opponent can’t use any Evade or Focus tokens? and they can’t even put any on at range 1! Wow. That’s pretty nasty stuff. All this for 26 points.

Following him we have Kir Kanos. Level 6 pilot whose ability is rather good too. At range 2-3 you can spend an evade token to deal one more damage. Uh, wow. Once again it feels like Fantasy Flight really wants people to start using those Evade tokens.

Pilots aside, the new modification are where we start seeing some more fun. Targeting computer is pretty nice for Imperials, but more or less useless for Rebels, giving the ability to Target Lock. But Hull Upgrade though. For 3 points? HABAWHUBAHUH? That’s cheaper then the shield! Granted, hulls can be crited but shield can’t, but still! 3 points for a extra bit of life? Me likey!

A title as well for the new Interceptors allowing them to take 2 modifications instead of one? Yea, my jaw hit the floor too.

That just be Cray cray! Granted your pilot has to be above skill 6, but hey, if you’re gonna deck something out, you’re gonna do it to something with a good ability and there isn’t one of those under 6. I think.

And finally from what I can see with the new pilot skill Opportunist. This skill seems a bit, eh to me. Granted everytime i say something like that it turns out to be the beez kneez, so time will tell.

But for 4 points for an ability that has a lot to do before it goes off. Yea. This ability could be useful to stack with the one HWK pilot that gives you an extra shot, but again, there’s a lot of prior set up for it, and it might not even pay off. And with it being a skill card, you lose other good ones, like Swarm or Marksmanship. But again, time will tell.

All in all, this new expansion has me excited. More stuff for older ships? Yes please. Can’t wait to see how far these will go, will we see Rebels? Will we see possible upgrades to that god awful Tie Advance? Fantasy Flight, bring it on!

So until then, checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the new Wave 3 Ships, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles!