Star Wars X-Wing Previews- Sensor Upgrade & B-Wing

By Super Kaiju | July 22nd, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Oh boy oh boy, Fantasy Flight is showing us a bit more of the upcoming expansions.

This time a little bit of the B-Wing and a few cards belonging to the new Upgrade, System Upgrades. Lets take a look and go through them with fine comb to pick apart them and make some kinda horrible guess on how to break them.

Keep in mind I’m writing this literally right after I read the new stuff, actually as I’m reading to be more precise. Figure first impressions are fun right? Shall we?

Lets start with the B-Wing first since there is nothing else new about the ship except this current pilot. Ten Numb, going to assuming a close cousin or brother or something random to Nien Numb. A new level 8 pilot with one hellva nasty ability.

No matter what, if you get a crit, it will hit your enemy. Well, unless they have an evade token. When he’s on the table that might actually force Tie Players to actually use that Evade over the much more awesome Focus. But for 31 points, little steep.

Maybe we can best bud him with Wedge for some of the nastiest fire volley fire ever. Or maybe he’ll be one of those lone wolf guys who requires lesser pilots to make up for his extreme cost. Regardless, I like that ability and can’t wait to mess with him.

Now to the meat of this thing, those fancy new Upgrades!

Oh, whats this, Fire-Control System? Now that looks nifty. For just two points I can get a free target lock on anybody I just attacked. Sorry R5-K6, you may have just been replaced!

Well, for anyone who can take Sensor Upgrades. Damn shame the Tie Bomber can’t take this baby. Though, that might be a teed bit stupid. But fun as hell! Perhaps we can take a Lamba and use it to unleash all sorts of nasty explody death.

Well, least some nasty fire. At the moment this doesn’t look all that impressive for a wide field of ships. But since you can take a bunch of torpedo on the B-wing, this can be a very nasty 1, 2 punch. All in all the B-Wing is looking sexier and sexier.

Well, this preview was a bit short to say the least. All and all still looking good for the upcoming wave. Lets just hope Fantasy Flight can keep them stocked this time,hehe ammirite?

Hope this helped you and thanks for reading.  -Super Kaiju

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