Star Wars X-Wing Tactica- Flying w/ Swarm Tactics

By Super Kaiju | May 23rd, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Super Kaiju here to discuss all those fancy little upgrades you can throw on your X-wing ships.

Today’s topic will be something that I love and use very much, Swarm Tactics.

Is it good? Well, I just said I love it you tell me!

First off for just 2 simple points you can add this to any pilot with a Veteran Skill slot. This upgrade allows you to fire any other ship who’s in range band one of the upgraded pilot to fire at his Pilot Skill instead of their own. For instance, take Wedge or Darth Vader. Both Pilot Skill 9 gentlemen.

Keep a pocket ship around them (say like a Rookie Pilot or a Academy Pilot) and all of a sudden you got two PS9 guys shooting about. So you can be super aggressive with low skilled pilots allowing you to save some points in taking those lower guys, in which you can use on other super nice things like other ships or missiles. Needless to say, its pretty good.

I prefer using it a lot in my builds to allow for some nasty shots early in the attack round with high Pilot Skilled guys. First shots normally there to remove tokens if any while the second shot is meant to punish or even finish the job of the first volley.

Granted, it doesn’t always go as planned given rolls but it is a ton of focus fire that the enemy doesn’t want coming their way. Its mostly though a utility upgrade allowing you to boost your other ships from the higher skilled one. I don’t suggest taking it unless you have those higher level guys who’ll be firing before your opponent can. If you run average skilled pilots around the 6 or lower range, this is a skill you should pass up in favor of others.

Hope this helped you and thanks for reading.  -Super Kaiju

Welcome to X-Wing, enjoy your stay.  Checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the legendary Slave One below, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles.