Star Wars: X-Wing Tactica- Han Shot First!

By Super Kaiju | June 26th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

If there’s one universal rule of Star Wars that everyone can agree on, Jar Jar sucks. BUT besides that the other is Han shot first! A name given to a very very nasty list that been seen going around the tournament realm of Star Wars: X-wing.

And today on Kaiju Spaceworks we’ll be looking at this list. Least, the one that I came across during my times at the X-wings Regionals. And lets just say…ow….

Now back in the day when the Millennium Falcon came out, I was the first to say it was semi under whelming when it came to the pilots.

Little did i realize if I were to look around a bit and put two and two together, I’d see a combo of pure stupid. But at the time I didn’t see many of the Slave 1 cards till much later (I got my Falcon from the Kessel Run) and had a misunderstanding on how Gunner worked. Boy oh boy, did this come back to slap me in the face and call me a, well, a naughty word.

How I felt before and after playing this list. 

The list that I came across and had some play time with consisted of two Rookie Pilots and Han Solo. Solo comes with a bunch of goodies making him a very big shiny. Gunner, Marksmanship and Chewy. All for a sleek 100 point build.

The very list the won the Regional at FTW Games.

This list seems to just be Han running around ending all life he comes across. Using Marksmanship Han takes a nasty shot at any target he can. His 360 degree arc definitely aids him greatly here. And how it goes he fires. Oh, results not good enough, Han re-roll. Ok, good or not its there. Oh, you dodged the fire. GUNNER TIME! And we repeat the shots to Han re-roll, all while Marksmanship is still in effect. Four times shooting with one ship. Needless to say, DUMB! Then you got two X-wings flying around finishing anyone who were ‘lucky’ enough to survive the shots from Han. And that’s that folks. Its pretty idiot proof and pretty damn effective.

That being said, it certainly isn’t all powerful. If can be defeated. Classically good rolls vs bad rolls can kick in allowing for a big V, but other then that I don’t see Rebels having a easy time with this ship. My thoughts were to focus it down using Wedge’s ability to get rid of it. Didn’t go as well as i thought from all that damage. But Imperials. Now they seem to have a much easier time with this list. Since the Falcon isn’t exactly a delicate crane dodging fire isnt its strength. So the Tie fights offensive power isn’t a hindrance  plus with those wonderful Interceptors, you can get some nasty damage  in.

Also since they all have three agility, with the ability to evade or focus, they can be pretty hard to hit, even with the Falcon’s four shots. In fact  I’ve seen a list that I think might have been tailor made to counter this list, made by a fellow frequenter to FTW Games, and winner of another Regional. Perhaps we’ll see that list end up on Kaiju Spaceworks at some point.

I just like this picture. 

As I’m sure many of heard, this list is considered pretty cheesy and the new ‘hotness’, and with good reason. But at the end of the day, it is still just a scruffy nerf herder! Who…got a hot princess…well least we know everything goes well for him in the future right? Heh, extended universe was not kind to him. So take that into consideration later if someone spanks you with this list.

Hope this helped you and thanks for reading.  -Super Kaiju

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