Star Wars X-Wing: Tie Bomber review

By Super Kaiju | October 13th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

Continuing with my run on the new ships, lets talk about the Tie Bomber in a more review type tone.

Like with the B-Wing, I won’t be going over the pilots or upgrades or anything. Just the ships as a whole with my time playing with them, and whether or not you should shell out some cashys for them. Granted before we get to involved, you should buy them for the upgrade cards alone, but lets see if its worth multiple purchases.

Well first and foremost they’re dangerous. Like, super dangerous. Those bombs they come with are nasty. the missiles are nasty, they just hurt. During my time playing with them I’ve found no place is really safe from them. Getting close leaves you open to the bombs, staying away leaves you open to missiles. Getting close will also mean missiles. Missiles everywhere! It hurts. Not to mention with 6 hull points they can take a beating.

Unfortunately though, they don’t seen to synergize well with other ships. They get expensive too. But the expense comes out to be death dealing murder. But again, they don’t play well with others.

The biggest thing I can say is if you’re a fan of the bomber list from wave 1, with the y-wings, you’ll enjoy the tie bombers. you can take 3 guys and all the shiney boom booms. Well worth your moneys on their own and their upgrades are nice to have.

Hope this helped, thanks for reading and have a great day! -Super Kaiju

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