Star Wars X-Wing TIE Phantom Preview

By Super Kaiju | June 3rd, 2014 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0
And we end the wave 4 previews with the TIE Phantom. All I can say about this ship so far, least with first impressions, is “Wow…wait….what?” 

What do I mean by that? Well, read on and lets discuss shall we? 

Taking a quick look at the movement dial we can see that it is in fact a TIE ship. Has a lot of movement abilities, though it is a bit slower than other TIEs, but that’s ok when you take in consideration on how fast you can go with the new Cloaking rule.

Now, To the new pilots, starting with the Sigma Squadron Pilot and the Shadow Squadron Pilot. 25 points for a level 3 and 27 for level 5. That seems reasonable for what they can do. Also a As a Rebel player it is nice to see the Empire have some high costing ships, but yea, these are damn worth their 25 points. Though the named Pilots, I’m not real sure on.

Starting with ‘Whisper’, whom I haven’t a clue who they are. Wookiepedia has failed me! For 32 points you can take this level 7 pilot into battle. But, I just can’t really see doing that for the most part.

Their ability seems a bit eh to me. 
Sure, I can see it being nice as they’re a high skill and can use a focus to attack, then get another for defense. And when you tie in the new upgrade Advanced Cloaking Device you can get some use out of them in a good way. 
But again, 32 base, plus 4 for the upgrade for 36 in just that. Not to keen. But I can see it being very viable too. Just a bit of the ‘eh’ so far in my mind. I’m sure once they’re released and used against me I’ll be eating my words.

Following up is ‘Echo’, whom like ‘Whisper’ I’m starting to dislike for their names alone. But I did find something on a clone trooper, so maybe? 

Regardless, a level 6 pilot with a much more useful ability in my mind, if you can do that whole maneuvering thing. 
Even Fantasy Flight showed off the possibility of this pilot, doing all sorts of turns and flippies coming in on flanks even though he started straight on. If someone can master this pilot, it’ll be a force to reckon, I can see that much. 
Upgrade wise there doesn’t seem to be to much new stuff in these babies. From the preview we can see two upgrades already known, one of which I can’t make out and not sure if exists yet. And then the rest are purely for these babies. 
Starting with the Advance Cloaking Device I mentioned earlier, this is a upgrade worth taking. Uncloak, blast your face, cloak back up. 
Great for quick hit and run attacks, and then using the Phantoms maneuverability to flip around and do it again.

Last up is the Stygium Particle Accelerator. For two points to get a extra Evade when cloaking, not bad, but I’d take Advance Cloaking Device over it. But I want to point out something slightly funny. 

Notice how the Advance Cloaking Device does say ‘TIE Phantom Only’. The Styguim Particle Accelerator doesn’t. Perhaps a simple misprint, or perhaps Fantasy Flight will be releasing a few more ships who can cloak? My fellow Nerds, prepare thy theories!

So just to verify here, why is this such a WoW/Eh thing to me? Well, some of the abilites are great, some are eh and the upgrades are the same.

But I still like the way this ship is shaping up to be. Wave 4 might finally make me switch to the dark side. I hear they have cookies, so that’ll be nice.

Thanks for reading and have a great day. Checkout our first look video un-boxings below, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles as well. -Super Kaiju