Star Wars X-Wing: Tie Reaper Expansion

By Wesley Floyd | June 16th, 2018 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, X-Wing 2.0

tie reaper

The Tie Reaper is next on previews for the second edition of Star Wars X-wing. We are going to take a look at the role it plays on the table.

Fantasy Flight Games released the details for the Tie Reaper this morning.

The Tie Reaper Expansion

Tie Reaper 29.95

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star wars x-wing tie reaper

tie reaper stat cards

Being that this ship is coming out at the tail end of the 1st edition of X-Wing, this expansion pack will come with stat cards of both 1st and 2nd editions of the game.

This ship will be maneuverable, to say the least. Especially for its size. The ship has adaptive ailerons which let you move before you reveal your dial.


A standard feature of all TIE reapers, Adaptive Ailerons are the first instance of ship abilities in X-Wing Second Edition. These abilities represent systems built directly into ships, rather than the abilities of the pilots who fly them. Sometimes, such as with “Vizier,”  a ship ability and pilot ability synchronize to provide extra benefits. In this case, “Vizier” can perform a coordinate action after fully executing the speed one maneuver required by his Adaptive Ailerons, giving another pilot the chance to take an action.

The Heavy hitter

tie reaper 1

The firepower on the Tie Reaper is no joke. It can roll 3 attack dice with its primary weapon every time it fires. The Tie Reaper was also designed to be a transport. The crew you can give the ship makes it only deadlier. You can crew it with 2 squads of Death Troopers and fly into the middle of everything.

x-wing death troopers

Enemy ships closeby won’t be able to remove stress tokens. They’ll be forced to get away before doing anything productive. You can also take an ISB slicer on your ship to prevent enemy ships from removing jam tokens.

But if you want a truly commanding presence on your ship, you can always add Director Krennic himself. In addition to adding the target lock action to the ship carrying him, Krennic turns another friendly ship into an Optimized Prototype from the very beginning of the game. Krennic’s ship can then work closely with the Optimized Prototype, with his ship obtaining locks on enemy ships and the Optimized Prototype quickly draining these ships’ shields or exposing their facedown damage cards.

Will you be taking the Tie Reaper into your game? Who will you crew it with? Let us know in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

X Wing Second Edition Cover Img


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