Star Wars X-Wing: Top 5 Lists of 2016?

By Barclay Montgomery | September 28th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

tie interceptor

Star Wars X-Wing has continued to grow an amazing fan base.We have here the current Top 5 lists that are dominating the meta game. There have been a few surprises in this one, so read on to find out the latest info!

List # 1

Trandoshan Slaver + 4‑LOM + Zuckuss + Dengar
Contracted Scout + Proton Torpedoes + Deadeye + Extra Munitions + Boba Fett
Contracted Scout + Deadeye + Intelligence Agent + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Overclocked R4

Scum has muscled its way back to the top of the list. The YV-666 is a beefy ship that loves to have a full crew of bounty hunters on it. 4-L0M and Zuckuss mess with your opponent, while Dengar ensures that your attack always connects with unique ships. Contracted Scouts are seen in this list as they have classically been equipped. The only addition is an Intelligence Agent that can lock down where enemy ships will be heading.



List # 2

Soontir Fel + Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
Omicron Group Pilot + Sensor Jammer + Emperor Palpatine
The Inquisitor + Push The Limit + Autothrusters + TIE/v1

The Emperor is still in the ranking but he has been cast down to #2! Soontir Fel is the most dangerous fighter out there and he always seems to slip right past your firing arcs. The Inquisitor is the sniper of the bunch, hanging back safely at range 3 and getting range 1 shots all day. The Emperor is here as well, albeit with more defense thanks to the Sensor Jammer.


List # 3

Dengar + Lone Wolf + Countermeasures + Glitterstim + Plasma Torpedoes + Zuckuss + R5‑P8 + Punishing One
Manaroo + Engine Upgrade + Push The Limit + Recon Specialist + Feedback Array + Unhinged Astromech

The married bounty hunter team continues on in the Top 5. Dengar is super fun to fly and just dares your opponent to fire at him. With Lone Wolf, Dengar will be able to reroll his blanks for offense and defense. Zuckuss will help him ensure that damage goes through to your enemies. Manaroo is the ultimate wing lady; she supports Dengar by feeding him tokens and target locks.


List # 4

Lothal Rebel + Fire‑Control System + Autoblaster Turret + Zeb Orrelios
Lothal Rebel + Fire‑Control System + Autoblaster Turret + Chopper
Gold Squadron Pilot + R4‑D6 + Autoblaster Turret

The Rebels have made their way up the charts recently! The VCX-100 is going double in this list. Fire Control System is an easy way to get Target Locks to focus down an enemy continuously. Autoblaster Turret gets you some guaranteed damage for your hits and 2 separate crew members give you the edge to take out your foe. Zeb loves to bump ships because he can still fire at them! Although, it sucks on the return fire! Chopper is a great guy because he allows you to take 1 damage to perform an action. That could mean life or death for your ship!


List # 5

IG88‑C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
IG88‑B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG‑2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim

The murderbots fight on! These guys seem to always narrowly avoid damage and come back with super accurate return fire. IG-88B maximizes offense with his ability to fire again if he misses. IG-88C is all about defense and action economy with his ability to hand out evades when boosting. Glitterstim helps in those tight situations and Fire Control System keeps the target locks flowing.

So this is what we have before Wave 9 hits the scene, and of course omitting the obnoxious 3 jump master lists from this spring.

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.