Star Wars X-Wing: Why does the TIE Advanced stink?

By Super Kaiju | December 28th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, Super Kaiju, X-Wing 2.0

The TIE Advanced. Darth Vaders personal space fighter and the ship meant to replace the TIE Fighter and lead to the creation of the TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor.

Sounds pretty awesome right? So, why does it just stink?

I mean since I started this game I never see people use them, even way back when the game only had 2 ships per faction. So what makes them stink? Is it because they’re just more expensive TIE Fighters with shields? Lack of any good pilots? Stupid design of the ship? Dunno, so lets take a look at everything we have to take a guess.

Remember, this is really just my thoughts that can be used for discussion, so fan boys please don’t hit me.

So lets take a look at the pilots. A whole whopping…4? Wow, that’s pretty small amount of guys. Granted I get it cause its a prototype ship thus they were never mass produced, but honestly, four guys? The cheapest we have is the Tempest Squadron Pilot, for 21 points.

And what do we get? A TIE Fighter with shields and a lock on. Sure it can take missiles, but for 21 points? i’d rather take 2 TIE Fighters. Sure its 3 more points, but come on, you want those missiles right? Next is Storm Squadron, 2 more points for 2 more pilot skill. Not sure I’d pay that either. So far we can see you don’t take these guys for their normal pilots. Will the name ones fair any better?

Maarek Stele. 27 points. That’s a hell of lot of points for one guy. For the Empire at least.

His ability must be awesome? Well, on paper I can say yes it does. When you crit instead of them taking 1 crit card, you pick up 3 and choose which they get? Wow.

That does sound devastating. But, with 2 attacks on him that isn’t something that seems common to pull off. And given against Rebels with shields or Empire with their one up on agility dies, 2 shots certainly doesn’t sound all that great to use this ability on.

Maybe with some Missiles we can get some nasty damage on him. But for 27 points and a ability that requires crits to even use, i’d say Mr. Stele here is a wash out, no matter how awesome he seems fluff wise. Heh.

But now we got someone here. Big daddy Darth Vader. 29 points and you can preform 2 actions a turn? Well now, that sounds really good. In fact, its a great ability in my opinion.

Yet, again, 29 points. Still not feeling it. I mean yea, its Darth Vader. One of the greatest Pilots in the galaxy, powerful Sith Lord, and whiny brat extraordinaire! But, 29 points for a slight better TIE that can do 2 actions? Granted I’ve seen people try to use him, one who did it really effective right, but he was teamed with 2 Interceptors and all were decked out massively.

How can we make the Advance better? Maybe lowering the point cost? This game definitely has the feel of quantity over quality (with the exception of Han Shot First or Bomber lists) so the amount they cost when they’re just slightly better TIE Fighters just don’t seem right.

But its hard to figure out just how much to lower the points. The lowest TIE Fighter being 12, you can almost take 2 over 1 Advance. And for 1 more point you can get a skill 3 pilot so he can shoot before the lowest Advance. Perhaps better pilots? Maarek as stated has a almost useless ability. Sure, when it goes off, IT GOES OFF! But that is more then likely few and far between. Not to mention you can get much better pilots in TIE Fighters, for cheaper.

Even Interceptors as well. All the Interceptor Pilots are way better and each cheaper, with only one being the same price. Sure they’re not as durable, but they maneuver just the same (give or take) and can dish out way more damage.

Perhaps if you focus a squad around the pilots you can get something good out of them. Seen a great 3 ship build with Darth and two Interceptors, but never see Maarek used. Maybe if you give him a nasty missile and Marksmanship and wait for the right moment. He could end a ship in one attack, but after that dunno.

I’d have to look a bit into that before making any claims. Maybe Fantasy Flight can release some expansion packs on the Advance like they’re doing for the Interceptor. Or will lore dictate that won’t happen? We’ll see in the future I guess.

Thanks for reading and have a great day. Welcome to X-Wing, enjoy your stay.  Checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the new Wave 3 Ships, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles as well.

About the Author: Super Kaiju