The LAAT/i Gunship Zooms Into Star Wars X-Wing

LAAT i Gunship featureFantasy Flight Games have really been giving us tons of new minis for Star Wars X-Wing! Let’s check out the latest release.

If you’ve been waiting to get into the game, now is the time! If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. It’s just a really fun game and now with all the additions, each game will have tons of variety.

Today, the LAAT/i Gunship flies to the tabletop. It is a super versatile fighting craft with more than enough firepower to change the tide of battle. Wherever the Republic is in the thickest fighting, that’s where you’ll find these awesome ships. Not to mention they can fly in the air or zoom through the water! Let’s take a closer look at the announcement from FFG:

Star Wars X-Wing LAAT/i Gunship:

We just really love how they package these up. Brings back all the memories of buying Star Wars figurines as a kid!

LAAT i Gunship 2This versatile ship is not only a flying gunship, but it is also a troop carrier. It can blast its way into the front lines, drop its payload then continue with fire support. The mini itself looks really cool and matches the movies perfectly. If you love Star Wars, check what else is going on with it!


Star Wars X-Wing CardsThese cards give you everything you need to play and customize your ships. Each variation of the ship has its own strengths and weaknesses. These just add variety to your games and lets you try out what is best for each scenario.

Character Cards Star Wars X-wingNot only can you change the ship, but you can also change the crew! Who doesn’t want Yoda piloting their ship? When we play with this, only one pilot gets picked, and it’s Yoda every time!

That does it for their latest release! They have really been putting in a ton of work on the game lately and we can’t wait to try out the new ships!

Pre-Order Star Wars X-Wing LAAT/i Gunship

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