The New Top 4 Lists For X-Wing? Stele Open 2016

By Barclay Montgomery | May 6th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0


X-Wing fans, The Stele Open 2016 has just finished and the results for the X-Wing Tournament are in! Let’s take a look at the Top 4 lists from the Stele Open!

It has truly been an epic event and the results show it!


1st Place

Zuckuss – Mist Hunter + Veteran Instincts + K4 Security Droid + Tractor Beam

Contracted Scout – Deadeye + Guidance Chips + R4 Agromech + Extra Munitions + Proton Torpedoes

Contracted Scout – Deadeye + Guidance Chips + R4 Agromech + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes

The surprise winner of the Stele Open is Zuckuss plus the Torpmasters. The other opponents were not ready for the extra dice ability that Zuckuss throws out in his attacks. It seemed that Zuckuss was always getting into range 1 and throwing out 5 dice into his enemies. Combined with the brutal firepower of the Jumpmasters, this list took its enemies off guard with the amount of damage coming their way.



2nd Place

Tel Trevura – Punishing One + Veteran Instincts + Hull Upgrade + Unhinged Astromech + K4 Security Droid + Glitterstim

Bossk – Veteran Instincts + Outlaw Tech + Dengar + 4-LOM + Engine Upgrade

The runner up list is an impressive two ship scum build that boasts a beefed up Boosk and a tough as nails Tel Trevura. This Bossk is an ace killer with Dengar and 4-LOM able to modify dice for free and to lock down focus tokens and evades. Tel Trevura acts as a harasser able to get a shot on his enemies from 360 degree coverage.

fel tie

3rd Place

Rear Admiral Chiraneau – Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Emperor Palpatine + Extra Munitions + Bombardier + Ion Bombs
Soontir Fel – Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters

The classic 2 ship Imperial build. This list features a super Chirpy complete with the Emperor and a slight twist with bombardier to help chuck some Ion bombs out into the enemy squad. Soontir Fel is loaded out to the gills and is the ultimate ace.


4th Place

Patrol Leader – Darth Vader + Guidance Chips

Omega Leader – Juke + Comm Relay + Guidance Chips

The Inquisitor – TIE v/1 + Push the Limit + Autothrusters

This list features a Decimator with Darth Vader aboard to help deal massive damage to his target. Omega Leader and the Inquisitor make a good team in hunting down the weakened foe.


That’s it for the Stele Open results. These lists seemed to be semi competitive but it goes to show that you can make a fun list and still make it to the top. Keep practicing and always fly casual!