New Wave, New Tactics: Getting Aggressive For X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | July 4th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

There is finally a turret equippable TIE fighter for Star Wars X-Wing. Get in here and see how this baby can fly!

We are coming in hot with the new TIE Aggressor pilots for X-Wing. Starting off we have the Sienar Specialist. This little guy is at Pilot Skill 2 and is a great platform for a turret or missile upgrades. At 17 points, this guy can get swarmy, but having 2 agility and 1 shield can make him vulnerable without upgrades.

The first named pilot, Double Edge cuts both ways. Once per round after you perform a secondary weapon attack that does not hit, you may perform an attack with a different weapon. If you fail to connect with an Ion Turret for instance, Double Edge can select another target and fire his primary weapon. This guy looks great and will definitely see play.

The Onyx Squadron Escort comes in at Pilot Skill 5, but oddly has no Elite slot. This ship will be nice for setting up Twin Laser Turret shots with his medium level pilot skill, and his missile option have a better chance to connect on lower skill pilots.

Lieutenant Kestal is the top ace for the TIE Aggressor at Pilot Skill 7. His ability is great for locking down enemy defense dice. When attacking, you may spend 1 focus token to cancel all of the defender’s blank and focus results. This is a great way to stick damage onto enemy fighters!

Since the TIE Aggressor is lacking an evade action, the newest Elite upgrade can help out. Intensity is a 2 point upgrades that allows you to assign a focus or evade token after you perform a boost or barrel roll. This is a dual card, so once you use Intensity, you must flip it over. 

Once exhausted, if you manage to save a focus or evade token until the end of the combat phase, you can spend it to slip Intensity back over to its ready side. This can be a nifty way to get free actions but it requires you to not spend those tokens during combat. It may come in handy, but requires more research in our part.

Are you excited for the new TIE Aggressor? Is this the new Twin Laser Turret ship? Stay tuned for more!

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