Top 5 X-Wing Lists: North Carolina Regionals

By Barclay Montgomery | June 1st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Another Regionals tournament is over! We have the top 5 lists that made the cut and go over the possible strategies that helped them secure the win!


1st Place X-Wing List

Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine + Guidance Chips
The Inquisitor + Push the Limit + Proton Rockets + Tie/v1 + Autothrusters
Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Autothrusters

Hmm, I’m sensing a trend here. Somehow the Emperor and his aces prevail no matter the odds. Soontir Fel is one of the best pilots in the game, and the Emperor ensures that he stays that way and goes above and beyond all the competition. The Inquisitor is the sniper of this list, waiting in the back to fire at “range 1” whenever he fires. Soontir just wants to get in close and dodge firing arcs and deal massive damage.

swx39_preview3 xwing ghost

2nd Place  X-Wing List

Chopper + Fire-Control System + Twin Laser Turret + Tactician + Gunner
Miranda Doni + Twin Laser Turret + Extra Munitions + Sabine Wren + Conner Net + Thermal Detonators + Advanced SLAM

It’s a happy day seeing the Ghost at the number 2 spot! Chopper is a cantankerous droid, and it shows with his ability to give everyone touching him a stress token.

This build is more about long range engagement with the TLT and his Gunner. It looks like the TLT would be the first shot, and if it did not connect would follow up with a primary attack. This could burn down any ship relatively quickly. Miranda is a fine pilot and the usage of Sabine Wren with bombs is an amazing ability, able to inflict damage to any enemy within range 1 of her bomb tokens.


3rd Place X-Wing List

Howlrunner + Crack Shot
Black Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot
Black Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot
Black Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot
Omega Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot
Omega Squadron Pilot + Crack Shot

Classic Crack Swarm here. This list is about strength in numbers and strength in evade cancelling. This list wants to stay in tight formation to benefit from Howlrunner’s reroll abilities.


4th Place X-Wing List

Contracted Scout + Deadeye + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + 4-Lom + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips
Contracted Scout + Deadeye + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips
Contracted Scout + Intimidation + Intelligence Agent + Feedback Array + Anti-Pursuit Lasers

2 torpedo Torp masters and one Bump master is a great combo of ships. The Bump master flies in the path of enemy fighters and reduces agility for any enemy overlapping it. The other 2 Torp masters then deliver the death blow with 2 volleys of torpedo fire. A simple yet effective list.


5th Place X-Wing List

Palob Godalhi + Wired + Twin Laser Turret + Zuckuss
Contracted Scout + Deadeye + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + Recon Specialist + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips
Contracted Scout + Deadeye + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + Recon Specialist + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips

Another list featuring 2 Torp masters and the aggravating Palob Godalhi. This list forces tough choices. Do you go after the 2 large ships with hearty hull and shields or the ship that can steal your tokens? Zuckuss is a great crew member that allows you to force your opponent to reroll successful evade results. Delicious.

That’s all the results from the North Carolina Regionals. It was an epic and fun event that showed that the Empire is still top dog in the race. Keep flying and have fun out there!