Treacherous Tambor: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | June 4th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


The Techno Union Foreman is flying through the battlefields of X-Wing 2.0, but he is bringing some trusty droids to keep him safe.

Wat Tambor

Wat Tambor is in his Belbullab-22 Starfighter and is ready to try his hand at taking down the Republic. With an initiative of 3, his Separatist Drone escorts will be able to attack at the same time for a knock out punch. His pilot ability allows him to reroll 1 attack die for each calculating friendly ship at range 1 of the defender. His Drone escorts can swarm Wat’s target while he gets to reroll his attacks!  Treacherous

Wat Tambor is no fool. He knows that he must be protected to ensure the victory of the Separatists. Treacherous is the perfect talent to keep him safe. While defending, you may choose a ship obstructing the attack and spend 1 charge to cancel 1 hit or crit result and the ship you chose gains 1 strain token. After a ship is destroyed at range 0-3, Treacherous can regain 1 charge. Life is cheap for droid Drones, so keep them close to protect Wat Tambor.


Also on board Wat Tambor’s ship is Kraken. As a Tactical Relay upgrade, friendly ships at range 0-3 do not remove calculate tokens during the End Phase. This can keep your Drones fully stocked with calculating tokens each turn, boosting their Networked Calculations.  Wat Tambor will also be pleased with the prevalence of calculating tokens across the board. Separatist Drone

Separatist Drones will be escorting Wat Tambor, keeping him boosted with calculating tokens and Treacherous activators. These ships have Networked Calculations, giving them the option to use calculate tokens on friendly ships to change 1 focus to an evade or hit. Keep your Drones close to Wat Tambor and your squad will survive the war!

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