U-Boats vs Poe Dameron: X-Wing Battle Report

By Barclay Montgomery | April 27th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

Y wing x wing art

Hey there X-Wing fanatics! Another epic battle report coming in at you, featuring the dreaded  U-Boats versus the Action 5 News Team.

You won’t believe what happens in this battle report. You never can underestimate Y-Wings.




Rob’s Scum List

PS 3 Contracted Scout – 4-LOM + Deadeye + Guidance Chips + R4 Agromech + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + Feedback Array

PS 3 Contracted Scout – Outlaw Tech + Deadeye + Guidance Chips + R4 Agromech + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + Feedback Array

PS 2 Syndicate Thug – Twin Laser Turret + Unhinged Astromech



Steven’s Rebels List

PS 8 Tycho Celchu – A-Wing Test Pilot + Push the Limit + Wired + Autothrusters + Guidance Chips + Proton Rockets

PS 8 Airen Cracken – Wingman + Guidance Chips + Cluster Missiles

PS 8 Poe Dameron – BB-8 + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Guidance Chips + Proton Torpedoes

100 points

U-Boats Vs Movie Poe X-Wing Battle Report Scum Rebels