Vaksai Victory: New Guns For Hire Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | September 19th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The hotly anticipated Guns for Hire expansion is about to hit stores! Let’s take a look at a Kihraxz build that will blow you away.

Viktor Hel is a pilot skill 7 Kihraxz ace that has an ability that can be tricky for your opponent’s to handle. After defending, if you did not roll exactly 2 defense dice, the attacker receives 1 stress token. This ability can be activated by range combat bonuses, say being at range 3 of an attack, or by means of an upgrade. Either way, it will frustrate your enemies if they are already stressed when targeting Viktor.

The Vaksai title is a must have for any Kihraxz pilot you plan to field. This gives them discounts on upgrades and allows for up to 3 of them! What a crazy title.Let’s start taking advantage of Viktor’s ability.

Expose is an Elite upgrade that may not have seen much play in the past due to its many drawbacks. At 4 points, it is one of the more expensive upgrades to field, but the Vaksai title helps. It also adds utility to Viktor by reducing his defense dice. Until the end of the round, as an action you may increase your primary weapon value by 1 and decrease your agility by 1. This can make Viktor hit hard with 4 attack dice, and activates his ability. We can protect him while he is Exposed with a Stealth Device. Stealth Device increases Viktor’s agility by 1 until he is hit by an attack. This will activate his ability no matter what range he is fired upon and will most likely result in him dodging the attack. Enjoy your free stress token ha ha!Utilizing the Scum way by kicking them while they are down, your enemies will fear Black Market Slicer Tools on Viktor. As an action this Illicit upgrade allows you to potentially remove a stress token from an enemy within range 1-2 and deal them 1 facedown damage card. All it requires is a die roll of a hit or crit. Enjoy a free stress and a free damage! The Scum way through and through.

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