Who Won This Pile of Ships? X-Wing Top 5 Lists

By Barclay Montgomery | July 26th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Top prize was one of each X-Wing ship! Come see the Top 5 lists that made the cut, and who took home this pile of fantastic Star Wars prizes!

X-Wing fans, Spikey Bits was reporting live from Camp Jordan  this weekend, getting full coverage on the ATC X-Wing Grand Tournament!

Here’s the lucky winning list that received an entire mountain of swag! Read on to learn more about Alex Pong and the 4 runners up!

1st Place – Alex Pong


Captain Oicunn – Predator + Thermal Detonator + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Emperor Palpatine

Countess Ryad – TIE x/7 + Push the Limit + Twin Ion Engine Mk. II

Bringing back the 2 ship list! The overall winner has a tank and a super dodgey ship flying together. Ryad is supremely flexible in her movements, being able to turn any of her straight maneuvers into Koirogan turns on a whim. Captain Oicunn loves to stay in close to gets his ramming ability off to a good start, then follow up with a boost if any ships remain out of reach.

2nd Place – Esteban Pilo-Pais

Darth Vader Star Wars

Darth Vader – TIE x/1 + Juke + Twin Ion Engine Mk.II + Advanced Targeting Computer

Colonel Vessery – TIE/ D + Expert Handling + Ion Cannon + Twin Ion Engine Mk. II

Omega Leader – Juke + Comm Relay

A triple aces list! Interesting upgrades are seen on both Darth Vader and Colonel Vessery. Juke is not usually seen on Darth Vader,but it helps to boost his offense and defense at the same time. Colonel Vessery is a great follow up ship to Vader, as the inevitable target lock from Vader’s Advanced Targeting Computer will allow Vessery to grab  one as well.Omega Leader is always a frustrating ship to fly against, and with 2 super aces like Vader and Vessery, its the icing on the cake.

3rd Place – Sam Talley


Contracted Scout – Overclocked R4 + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Deadeye

Contracted Scout – Overclocked R4 + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Deadeye + Feedback Array

Trandoshan Slaver – Dengar + 4-LOM + Zuckuss

Since the recent FAQ hurt the Triple Jumpmaster list, its surprising to see these ships decked out the way they are any longer. But this pilot has thrown caution to the wind and has made a powerhouse of 3 large ships. The Contracted Scouts utilize their munitions loadouts to strip as many shields and hull as they can. The Trandoshan Slaver is an excellent finisher with the ability to reroll dice, deny enemy tokens, and force evade rerolls.

4th Place – Corey Slate

soontir fel

Soontir Fel – Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Stealth Device + Autothrusters

Countess Ryad – TIE x/7 + Pusht the Limit + Twin Ion Engin Mk. II

Omicron Group Pilot – Emperor  Palpatine

A classic Palpatine Aces list. Soontir Fel is the most difficult ship to lock down, and the Emperor ensures that he never makes a mistake. Countess Ryad is also an awesome pilot with the ability to maneuver like no other ship. These 2 together ensure that you always have them right where you want them.

5th Place – Daniel Luh


Han Solo – Push the Limit + Kyle Katarn + Kanan Jarrus + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade

Poe Dameron – Lone Wolf + R5-P9 + Autothrusters

Finishing up our lists is another 2 ship build, featuring a beef Han Solo and the ever popular Poe Dameron. Han is kitted out with a superb crew that allows token economy, as well as stress negation. Poe is Lone Wolfing, making his dice that much better at rolling hits and evades.


That’s it for the ATC X-Wing Tournament list roundup. Congratulations to Alex Pong who took first place and also took home over $1,200 in X-Wing ships! Rumor has it that he will be donating most of it to inspire new X-Wing players to join in on the fun. What a great guy! Be like him and keep the hobby going and remember to always fly casual.