X-Wing: 12 Parsecs or Less – Gencon 2016 Winning List

By Greg Warwick | February 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

star wars x-wing national championship

The Rebel Scum prevailed with flying colors! Come take a look at this Gencon 2016 winning list! You’re not going to want to miss this!

Luke and I are still relatively new to the game of X-wing. However, it is getting to the point where we are now considering tournament play as a way to meet and try ourselves against new people, as well as experience other lists and builds which we might not have thought of or have access to with our collection. In this video I am trying out another top list in my quest to become better and more competitive.

I usually find these tops lists using the website List Juggler, which has the top lists from some of the biggest tournaments going. I find this is a good way to look at combinations of ships, pilots and other cards and how people are building their fleets to work together. Also it gives a flavor of what is some of the ‘meta’ used at these large and prestigious tournaments.

The list that today’s video is focused around comes from Gencon 2016. It is the winner of the Swiss Round, and went to take 3rd place at the championship rounds, designed by Daniel Hars. It consists of

Check out the video below to see it in action!