X-Wing: FFG Unveils Lambda Shuttle & HWK-290 Pilots

By Rob Baer | June 20th, 2013 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

Well these guys look fun.  Checkout the new pilots for the upcoming X-wing wave 3 releases slated for August!

I like the fact you can put the Heavy Laser Cannon on the shuttle for far less points that the Firespray. It also appears the HWK can take the Ion cannon as well, so it may be fun to play with Ion once again.
I miss my Y-wing fleet, damn you Tie Interceptors for being so good.

Anyways checkout the new hotness, courtesy of Bell of Lost Souls, below.

And these guys are all built from the ground up for combos and synergies. 

Here’s the big detailed FFG post:

And here’s the pilots in question.

~Any dirty tricks and combos come to mind… *evil grin*  Wave 3 is expected to hit shelves in August.