X-Wing: Imperial Civil War Battle Report

By Barclay Montgomery | October 5th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars, Videos, X-Wing 2.0

tie fighter xwing miniatures

Star Wars X-Wing fans rejoice! We have another awesome battle report for you guys, this time it’s hot Empire on Empire action! Who will win? I’ve got my money on the Empire. 


James’ List

Countess Ryad – TIE/ D + Ion Cannon + Push the Limit + Twin Ion Mk II

Omega Leader – Comm Relay + Juke

Carnor Jax – Push the Limit + Stealth Device

tie bomber 1

Rob’s List

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs

Scimitar Squadron Pilot – Long Range Scanners + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + XX23 S-Thread Tracers