X-Wing Scum’s New “Unbeatable” List?

By Barclay Montgomery | March 30th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


The current X-Wing meta game has been shaken up folks! The Jumpmaster is here, and some folks say this squad build is “unbeatable”.

Ever since Wave 8 was released the new big dog to watch out for has been the Jumpmaster. Not just 1 or 2, but 3! We will explore the newest menace to hit the scene!

Ever since the Jumpmaster hit stores,everyone has been grabbing them up as fast as they can. The latest build features 3 Contracted Scout Jumpmasters kitted out with torpedoes to take down any threat they face. Let’s take a look:

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions 

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions 

PS 3 – Contracted Scout – Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Guidance Chips + Plasma Torpedoes + Extra Munitions

99 points

It’s that simple! Alright let’s break it down. Deadeye allows you to fire torpedoes with a focus token when normally you would have to spend a target lock. This is where R4 Agromech kicks in. Whenever you spend a focus token you may acquire a target lock. Almost like firing munitions in reverse. That’s some quality synergy right there.

Guidance chips ensures that you can change at least one die result to a hit, and a target lock allows you to reroll any misses. Almost a guaranteed 4 hits plus 1 more shield token removed with plasma torpedoes. With 3 ships firing all those munitions at one target, it’s will burn down fast.

The downside is that you have 3 large ships on the board. If you are not an X-Wing Epic veteran, this can get very difficult to fly around the table. With blockers, asteroids, and debris clouds to avoid,it can be very difficult to keep your ships on line to joust. There have been other builds that compensate for these weaknesses but we won’t want to spoil those just yet.

You’ll just have to wait for the next awesome X-Wing article! Keep flying and have fun!