X-Wing: Special Forces TIE Training PREVIEW

By Barclay Montgomery | July 21st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Candidate, you Special Forces training is complete! The new TIE SF preview has just dropped from Fantasy Flight. We’re here to give you a rundown of all the crazy new toys in this expansion!

The new hotness in this expansion is seen in the unique pilots and some crazy new upgrades. Let’s start with the pilots.


Quickdraw is going to be an insanely fun ship to fly. Whenever he loses a shield token, once per turn he may perform a primary weapon attack. Since he is pilot skill 9, he will most likely fire first, and after he defends and subsequently takes damage, will be able to fire again! If you line it up right you may be able to utilize the Special Forces Training upgrade.


This sweet upgrade allows you to add 1 attack die to your roll if you fire from your forward arc. But, if you don’t add that extra die, you can attack from your front and rear arc in the same round! Line your shots up so that you have sights on enemies in your front and rear arcs. Equip this title on Quickdraw and you could potentially fire 4 times in one round!


Backdraft loves to catch his prey in his rear arc.Whenever he attacks a ship from his rear arc, he may add 1 critical hit result. This is a great way to put out some serious damage upon your foes that get to close or are caught in your rear arc.


Barrel rolling and boosting are maneuvers that can make or break you. Used just right,you can dodge enemy firing arcs and set up perfect shots without being fired upon. One of the core rules about barrel rolling and boosting is that if said action would cause you to overlap and obstacle, you could not perform that action. Collision Detector throws that out the window. This upgrade allows you to perform a boost or barrel roll that would cause you to overlap  an obstacle. This could be huge in that if an enemy ship is using an asteroid to block you, you could perform a boost and catch him unawares.

This upgrade will prove to be extremely useful for TIE Phantoms.


A new tech upgrade, Sensor Cluster allows you to spend a focus token to turn on of your blank results into an evade. Rolling blanks on green dice always sucks, but you can help minimize the suckage with this cool upgrade. This will help the TIE SF avoid damage and will help their 2 agility dice be more effective.


That concludes the rundown on the TIE SF. What new upgrades and combinations can you cook up for this new Imperial ship?

I’ve always wanted to fly one of these things.